Hire Charges and Book Requests

Hire Charges and Book Requests

Book requests

You do not have to pay to borrow books from a library. If you would like us to get a book for you from another library you need to pay a request charge. You do not have to pay a request charge for anything you pay to hire.

For books in Staffordshire Libraries50p25pFree
For books you ask us to borrow from outside Staffordshire50p plus £6.5025p plus £3.25Free
Books in other languages, braille, reminiscence boxesFreeFreeFree
Reading groups who meet in library, per set FreeFreeFree
Reading groups who meet outside library, per set£3.00£3.00-
Music and Drama sets/scores: up to 40 copies£15.00£15.00-
Music and Drama sets/scores: over 40 copies£30.00£30.00-

Hire charges

  • Deaf users do not pay for sub-titled videos for the deaf.
  • Blind, visually impaired and people with a disability preventing use of normal text (“print disabled”) may hire language courses and talking books for free.
  • Blind and visually impaired people may also hire music CDs for free.
CDs and Cassettes - 1 week loanMusic CDs - Single and sets 60p30p30p
CDs and Cassettes - 3 week loanTalking books- up to 2 tapes or discs£1.0050pFree
CDs and Cassettes - 3 week loanTalking books - more than 2 tapes or discs£2.00£1.00Free
CDs and Cassettes - 3 week loanLanguage courses£2.00£1.00Free
CDs and Cassettes - 3 week loanBritish Sign Language Video, DVD, CD Rom;

Makaton Video, DVD, CD Rom
CDs and Cassettes - 3 week loanChildren's language courseFreeFreeFree
DVDs - 1 week loanFull length feature films £1.50£1.50£1.50
DVDs - 1 week loanChildren's (excluding films); adult non fiction & TV series£1.00£1.00£1.00
Toys - 3 week loan60p60p60p

Kinver Community Library
Vicarage Drive

Tel: 01384 872348

Kinver Community Library Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 10284829

Registered charity number: 1170770 

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